API Suite - April 2024 Release Notes Summary
11 months ago by Narjit Aujla
The April release contains enhancements to the API validation rules and functional enhancements.
OnHold Status
The OnHold
payment status has been brought back from deprecation. It now indicates that a payment has not progressed through workflow in over 24 hours. Note: this status does not trigger for payments that are unfunded.
Routing Code Validations
Routing code should no longer be required for local payments being made outside of the home currency jurisidiction (some exceptions apply). This should reduce the amount of data required to process local clearing payments.
Batch ID Added to Webhooks
Payment Batch ID has been added to the payment.statusChanged
webhook event.
"id": "eacabcbf-a7fa-42f1-903a-6ae453a28931",
"eventType": "payment.statusChanged",
"createdOnUTC": "2022-01-07T16:30:06Z",
"summary": "A payment status has been changed.",
"resource": {
"id": "123456789",
"batchId": "BatchId123",
"customerId": "customer_01",
"partnerReference": "optional partner reference data",
"status": "Created",
"errorCode": null,
"createdOn": "2022-01-07T16:30:03Z",
"lastUpdatedOn": "2022-01-07T16:30:03Z",
"isDoddFrank": "False",
"outgoingOrderId": "Order123"