API Suite - August 2024 Release Notes Summary
6 months ago by Narjit Aujla
The August release contains various functional enhancements including a broad validation for SWIFT-valid characters in API payloads.
SWIFT validation enabled
As of this release, Convera will only accept SWIFT-valid characters in the API payloads for payments with the exception of certain fields where deemed necessary (e.g. email address).
Committed order added to quote resource
The incomingOrderId
has been added to the quotes resource. For committed payments, this data point can be viewed through Get Quote by ID
"expirationIntervalInSec": 120,
"createdOn": "2022-02-02T15:09:15Z",
"status": "Created",
"lastUpdatedOn": "2022-02-02T15:09:15Z",
"quotedItems": [
"isDirectRate": true,
"rate": 1.2529,
"rateInverted": 0.7981687898089171974522292994,
"decimalsDirect": 4,
"decimalsIndirect": 28,
"incomingOrderId": "Order123",
"tradeAmount": 10025,
"settlementAmount": 12560,
"tradeCurrency": "USD",
"settlementCurrency": "CAD"
New fields for draft payments
Additional data points for Draft
payments have been added to the Payment Resource checkNumber
and checkDate
Currency code fixed for Find-A-Bank
The Search Bank by Detail endpoint for the Find-A-Bank resource now accepts currencyCode
to further filter results down.
Payment validation updates
- Purpose of payment is no longer required for PHP payments
- CHF has been enabled for ACH
- Tax ID is now required for BDT currency
- Bank routing code is no longer required for LKR currency
- Bank routing code is no longer required for MYR currency