API Suite - May 2022 Release Notes Summary
Summary of changes for the API Suite functional release for May 2022
SWIFT BIC Length Validation
When submitting a payment where the payment method is WIRE the following fields will be validated.
1. bankAccount.bankCode
2. thirdPartyRemitter.bankAccount.bankCode
3. originatingFI.bankCode
New Validation Rules
1. The Swift code length must be only 8 or 11 characters
New Error Code
If the above conditions are not met, then the payment will not be accepted and display error code: 1226 Invalid SWIFT code format
Country Code Validations
The following payment fields can now contain upper and lower case characters.
Third Party Remitter and Originating FI Validations
When submitting a payment with Third Party Remitter or Originating FI data and the payment is not accepted due to blank or Null fields, the error codes displayed have been updated to provide more details. The following are the fields and the new error codes:
Payment Field Name | Error Code |
originatingFI.address.AddressLine1 | 1003:originatingFI.address.AddressLine1 |
originatingFI.address.City | 1003:originatingFI.address.City |
originatingFI.address.CountryCode | 1003:originatingFI.address.CountryCode |
originatingFI address.StateOrProvince | 1003:originatingFI address.StateOrProvince |
originatingFI.address.ZipOrPostalCode | 1003:originatingFI.address.ZipOrPostalCode |
thirdPartyRemitter.address.AddressLine1 | 1003:thirdPartyRemitter.address.AddressLine1 |
thirdPartyRemitter.address.City | 1003:thirdPartyRemitter.address.City |
thirdPartyRemitter.address.CountryCode | 1003:thirdPartyRemitter.address.CountryCode |
thirdPartyRemitter.address.StateOrProvince | 1003:thirdPartyRemitter.address.StateOrProvince |
thirdPartyRemitter.address.ZipOrPostalCode | 1003:thirdPartyRemitter.address.ZipOrPostalCode |
thirdPartyRemitter.id | 1003:thirdPartyRemitter.id |