Find-A-Bank Resource

The Find-A-Bank (FAB) service allows the customer access to an internal service developed by Convera that searches and returns global bank information.

There are two search methods available: by IBAN and by account details such as bank name, city, or SWIFT code. Results can return multiple bank account entries depending on search criteria.

    "httpStatus": string,
    "timestamp": string,
    "responseStatus": string,
    "totalRecordFound": string,
    "totalRecordSent": string,
    "nextPageNumber": string,
    "previousPageNumber": string,
    "banks": [
            "BankDirectory": {
                "recordKey": string,
                "officeType": string,
                "parentOfficeKey": string,
                "headOfficeKey": string,
                "legalType": string,
                "legalParentKey": string,
                "groupType": string,
                "groupParentKey": string,
                "institutionStatus": string,
                "cooprativeGroupkey": string,
                "isoleiCode": string,
                "bic8Char": string,
                "branchBic": string,
                "bankCode": string,
                "chipsUid": string,
                "bankBranchCode": string,
                "connectedBic": string,
                "bankName": string,
                "bankBranchName": string,
                "pobNumber": string,
                "streetAddress1": string,
                "streetAddress2": string,
                "streetAddress3": string,
                "streetAddress4": string,
                "city": string,
                "countryProvinceState": string,
                "zipCode": string,
                "countryName": string,
                "countryCode": string,
                "timezone": string,
                "subTypeIndicator": string,
                "networkConnectivity": string,
                "branchQualifiers": string,
                "serviceCodes": string,
                "ssiGroupKey": string,
                "iBanKey": string,
                "propertyChangeValidFromDate": string,
                "nationalIdType": string,
                "fedwireRoutingCode": string,
                "fedachRoutingCode": string,
                "parentFedwireRoutingCode": string
            "OfficeType": {
                "officeTypeCode": string,
                "officeTypeDescription": string
            "LegalType": {
                "legalTypeCode": string,
                "legalTypeDescription": string
            "InstitutionStatus": {
                "instStatusCode": string,
                "instStatusDesc": string,
                "instStatusParent": string
    "iBanValue": "CY17002001280000001200527600",
    "countryCode": "CY",
    "pageSize": 100,
    "pageNumber": 1
    "httpStatus": "200",
    "timestamp": "02/02/2022 10:21:07",
    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "totalRecordFound": "1",
    "totalRecordSent": "1",
    "banks": [
            "BankDirectory": {
                "recordKey": "BD00000008WE",
                "officeType": "HO",
                "parentOfficeKey": "BD00000008WE",
                "headOfficeKey": "BD00000008WE",
                "legalType": "L",
                "legalParentKey": "BD00000008WE",
                "groupType": "Parent",
                "groupParentKey": "BD00000008WE",
                "institutionStatus": "BANK",
                "isoleiCode": "PQ0RAP85KK9Z75ONZW93",
                "bic8Char": "BCYPCY2N",
                "branchBic": "XXX",
                "bankCode": "BCYPCY2NXXX",
                "chipsUid": "019144",
                "connectedBic": "BCYPCY2NXXX",
                "bankName": "BANK OF CYPRUS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED",
                "bankBranchName": "HEAD OFFICE IN NICOSIA AND ALL CYPRUS OFFICES",
                "pobNumber": "POB 21472",
                "streetAddress1": "51 STASSINOS STREET",
                "streetAddress2": "AYIA PARASKEVI, STROVOLOS",
                "city": "LEFKOSIA",
                "countryProvinceState": "LEFKOSIA",
                "zipCode": "2002",
                "countryName": "CYPRUS",
                "countryCode": "CY",
                "timezone": "2",
                "subTypeIndicator": "SUPE",
                "networkConnectivity": "CCC",
                "branchQualifiers": "ALLHDO",
                "serviceCodes": "FINTGT",
                "ssiGroupKey": "BD00000008WE",
                "iBanKey": "IB000000084P",
                "nationalIdType": "CBCCY"
            "OfficeType": {
                "officeTypeCode": "HO",
                "officeTypeDescription": "Head Office"
            "LegalType": {
                "legalTypeCode": "L",
                "legalTypeDescription": "Legal Entity"
            "InstitutionStatus": {
                "instStatusCode": "BANK",
                "instStatusDesc": "Universal Bank"
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