FAB Bank Directory Plus File
The table below contains definitions and examples of the SWIFT Bank Directory Plus fields used. The fields returned in the Find-a-Bank (FAB) response may differ to the field names below, to suit the API resource model.
Field Name | Description | Always Present? | Format |
MODIFICATION FLAG | Modification flag in delta files A - addition M - modification D - deletion in full files | Yes | string(1) |
RECORD KEY | Unique key of the record in the file | Yes | string(12) |
OFFICE TYPE | HO - Head Office -DB - Domestic branch or department -SB - Sub-domestic branch -FB - Foreign branch -SF - Sub-foreign branch UC - Unclassified | Yes | string(2) |
PARENT OFFICE KEY | Indicates RECORD KEY OF closest entity upwards in the entities hierarchy. Ex. "HO" RECORD KEY if the entity is "DB", or the "FB" RECORD KEY if "SF" | Yes | string(12) |
HEAD OFFICE KEY | Indicates RECORD KEY of the "HO - Head Office" in the entities hierarchy | Yes | string(12) |
LEGAL TYPE | Indicates the status of the entity in the legal hierarchy L - Legal entity B - Business entity U - Unknown | Yes | string(1) |
LEGAL PARENT KEY | Legal hierarchy included in Entity Plus product. This data is not maintained in the Bank Directory Plus, and is often same as the record key | Yes | string(12) |
GROUP TYPE | Type of entity identifying group: -Parent -Member This data comes from the SWIFT back office. Parent BIC is the BIC at the top of the SWIFT traffic hierarchy. This can be different than the legal ultimate parent that is available in Entity Plus | No | string(6) |
GROUP PARENT KEY | Record key of parent entity. Identifies set of entity records belonging to that group. Groups BICs and National ID records that belong to the same parent BIC | No | string(12) |
INSTITUTION STATUS | Indicates license status of the institution, if any: BANK - Universal Bank COOP - Cooperative Bank CBMA - Central Bank/Monetary Authority ASSM - Asset Manager CORP - Corporates CRUN - Credit Union ICSD - International Central Securities Depository INVM - Investment Bank MONX - Money Exchange NPAA - National Payment Association PYMI - Payments Institution SLBH - Savings-lending Bank Housing SUFI - Supervised Financial Institution XCHG - Exchange OTHR - Other | No | string(4) |
COOPERATIVE GROUP KEY | If the record indicates a cooperative bank which belongs to a cooperative bank grouping, then this field indicates the RECORD KEY of the cooperative central bank for that group. Hierarchy in this case flows downward. In the case of any such cooperative central bank, the value here is its own RECORD KEY. If the cooperative bank does not belong to a bank grouping, then field is empty. | No | string(12) |
ISO LEI CODE | ISO 17442 defines this Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). Provided for entities that also have a BIC. The full list of LEIs can be found in the Reach Plus directory. | No | string(20) |
BIC8 | BIC <party prefix, country, party suffix> where -Party prefix - 4 characters -Country code - 2 characters -Party suffix - 2 characters | No | string(8) |
BRANCH BIC | BIC branch identifier associated with the 8-character BIC. If no ID exists, then 00 is used | No | string(3) |
BIC | Unique BIC related to the institution from the BIC Directory 2018. Consists of: -Party prefix - 4 characters -Country code - 2 characters -Party suffix - 2 characters -Branch identifier - 3 characters, XXX for main office | No | string(11) |
CHIPS UID | CHIPS universal ID related to the institution | No | string(6) |
NATIONAL ID | National identifier of the institution or branch | No | string(15) |
CONNECTED BIC | For a BIC not connected to the SWIFT network. This is the connected BIC of the institution or of its correspondents through which it connects. | No | string(11) |
INSTITUTION NAME | Institution trading name | Yes | string(105) |
BRANCH INFORMATION | Derived from BIC Directory 2018. If blank in the directory and respective BIC is linked to a National ID where branch information is available, then it will be populated in the file | No | string(70) |
POB NUMBER | Comma-separated field with POB number of the institution/branch and related ZIP code. Allows customer to use full POB address | No | string(35) |
STREET ADDRESS | Four sub-fields provide the building name, detailed building information, street name, and number. Order of this information depends on accepted practices for the particular country. | No | string(35) |
CITY | City of institution/branch | No | string(35) |
CPS | County, province, state, or other administrative region of the owner institution/branch | No | string(90) |
ZIP CODE | Zip code of the institution/branch | No | string(15) |
COUNTRY NAME | Country name of the institution/branch is indicated in ISO 3166 | Yes | string(70) |
ISO COUNTRY CODE | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country of the institution/branch | Yes | string(2) |
TIMEZONE | Business party suffix information | No | string(1) |
SUBTYPE INFORMATION | Business type of the entity. Subtype indicator is provided only for records with a BIC | No | string(4) |
NETWORK CONNECTIVITY | Status of an entity's connection to SWIFT. Network connectivity is provided only for records containing a BIC | No | string(3) |
BRANCH QUALIFIERS | Operational type of the entity. Branch qualifiers are provided only for records containing a BIC. Field can contain up to 6 three-character branch qualifiers in alphabetical order. | No | string(35) |
SERVICE CODES | SWIFT FIN service codes (also called value-added service codes). Provided only for records containing a BIC. Can contain up to 20 three-character codes in alphabetical order | No | string(60) |
SSI GROUP KEY | Indicates which SSI Group the entity belongs to in the SSI Plus files | No | string(12) |
IBAN KEY | Identifies the RECORD KEY in the IBANPLUS.txt file that contains the IBAN data for this entity | No | string(12) |
FIELD A | Contains future valid-from date of the whole record due to a change in its attributes in YYYYMMDD. Field is empty in the case record is valid at the date specified in the file name (publication date) | No | string(70) |
FIELD B | National ID Type - name of the national code or name of the national code provider National ID Type + /AN - AN stands for Alternative National ID Type. The banks/branches in a country can own National IDs issued by multiple authorities National ID Type + /FN - FN stands for Foreign National ID Type. In some countries, banks have a National code issued by a foreign payment clearing service, such as a German bank that has a Swiss BC, indicated by BC/FN | No | string(70) |
Updated over 2 years ago