Payments Resource

The Payments resource is a core resource of the Convera API Suite and defines an outgoing payment to be released to a beneficiary for receipt of funds. All payments that are submitted to Convera are subject to regulatory and sanctions scanning prior to release.

The Payments resource contains several required fields, along with optional fields depending on the type of payment being submitted. The Payment Validator Resource can be used to help determine which fields should be submitted for a given currency, payment method, and beneficiary location.

Once through initial payment body validation and accepted into a Created state, payments cannot be updated through a PUT request.

The input parameter payment id is created and assigned by the Partner using a unique value. This value should be unique at the customer-level, meaning different customers under the same Partner ID can use the same payment id. Once an id has been used at the customer-level, a new one should be generated to prevent ID collision.

A single PUT request is limited to either 10,000 payments, or 2Mb in size (whichever comes first), however it is advised to keep a payment batch under 5,000 payments to avoid performance degradation or time out failures.

As payments progress through workflow, status changes are automatically communicated through webhooks if configured, or through a manual Get Payment request.


Same-Day ACH

For Same Day ACH (SDA) payments, if the payment has been committed after cut-off time, the SDA payment will be released the next day.

Payments must meet the following criteria:

  • Payments to US only (international SDA is not supported)
  • Customer must be based in US
  • Supported for USD only
  • Amount must be less than $1,000,000 USD

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