Client Services Fields

Client Services Definitions and Types

Below are the definitions for the fields associated with the Service Items Object. A Service Item is a Convera Client-defined set of accepted payment categories, subject to parameters set forth in the following fields.

Service Item Entity

Field NameDescriptionTypeFormat
clientIdConvera-defined ID used to uniquely identify a client's catalog of Service Items.Requireddecimal(16,0)
serviceItemA Convera Client-defined set of accepted payments, subject to conditions as set forth in parameters listed below.Systemarray
debtorGroupConvera Client-defined category of Service Item, e.g. "Fall Semester," "Spring Semester"Systemarray
idConvera-defined unique ID for a Service Item.Systemdecimal(20,0)
amountOwingClient-defined amount to be paid for a given Service Item.Systemdecimal(20,2)
namePartner-defined name for a Service Item, e.g. "Tuition" or "Parking"Systemstring(50)
descriptionConvera Client-defined description of a given Service Item.Systemstring(250)
mandatoryConvera Client-defined parameter which identifies if a given Service Item is mandatory to be paid.SystemBoolean
amountOwingConvera Client-defined payment amount for a given Service Item.Systemdecimal(20,2)
minAmountConvera Client-defined minimum amount threshold for a given Service Item.Systemdecimal(20,2)
maxAmountConvera Client-defined maximum amount threshold for a given Service Item.Systemdecimal(20,2)
editableConvera Client-defined specification that allows a payer to edit the amount of a given Service Item. Amount entered is subject to conditions of minAmount and maxAmount if present.SystemBoolean

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