SWIFT gpi Statuses
Transaction Status
Provides more details on the status in process.
Presence: [1..1]
CodeName | Name | Definition |
RJCT | Rejected | Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected. |
ACSP | AcceptedSettlementInProcess | All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful and therefore the payment initiation has been accepted for execution. |
ACCC | AcceptedCreditSettlementCompleted | Settlement on the creditor's account has been completed. |
Transaction Status Reason
Contains optionally the reason for the status of a payment transaction.
Presence: [0..1]
CodeName | Name | Definition |
G002 | CreditDebitNotConfirmed | The transaction processing cannot be completed the same day. |
G004 | CreditPendingFunds | Credit to the creditor's account is pending as status Originator is waiting for funds provided via a cover. |
G000 | PaymentTransferredAndSLAMaintained | The Status Originator transferred the Credit Transfer to the next Agent or to a Market Infrastructure maintaining the transaction's service obligations. |
G001 | PaymentTransferredAndSLANoLongerMaintained | The Status Originator transferred the Credit Transfer to the next Agent or to a Market Infrastructure where the transaction's service obligations may no longer be guaranteed. |
G003 | CreditPendingDocuments | In an FI to FI Customer Credit Transfer: Credit to creditor's account is pending receipt of required documents. The Status Originator has requested creditor to provide additional documentation. |
AM06 | AmountTooLow | Below limit. |
RC01 | BankIdentifierIncorrect | Bank identifier code specified in the message has an incorrect format (formerly IncorrectFormatForRoutingCode). |
AC06 | BlockedAccount | Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it. |
AC04 | ClosedAccountNumber | Account number specified has been closed on the bank of account's books. |
DUPL | Duplication | Payment is a duplicate of another payment. |
FOCR | FollowingCancellationRequest | Return following a cancellation request. |
BE01 | InconsistentWithEndCustomer | Identification of end customer is not consistent with associated account number. (formerly CreditorConsistency). |
AC01 | IncorrectAccountNumber | Account number is invalid or missing. |
RC08 | InvalidClearingSystemMemberIdentifier | Routing code not valid for local clearing. |
FF07 | InvalidPurpose | Purpose is missing or invalid. |
G007 | MIPaymentTransferred | The payment of the (gpi) sending MI agent was transferred to the receiving MI agent. |
G008 | MIPaymentTransferredAndReceived | The payment of the (gpi) sending MI agent was transferred to and received by the receiving MI agent. |
RR03 | MissingCreditorNameOrAddress | Specification of the creditor's name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing. |
MS03 | NotSpecifiedReasonAgentGenerated | Reason has not been specified by agent. |
RR05 | RegulatoryInformationInvalid | Regulatory or Central Bank Reporting information missing, incomplete or invalid. |
CUST | RequestedByCustomer | At request of creditor. |
NOAS | NoAnswerFromCustomer | Failed to contact beneficiary. |
Updated about 2 years ago