Payment Fields
Payment Field Definitions and Types
Below are the definitions for the fields associated with a Payment object. To determine which beneficiary fields are required to submit a payment in a given currency, please refer to the Payment Validator Resource, or consult your Convera representative.
For examples of payment payloads, refer to the Add Payment to Batch sample requests.
Payment Entity
Field Name | Description | Type | Format |
customerId | Partner-defined ID used to uniquely identify a customer within the Partner's system | Required | string(38) |
partnerReference | Optional data that can be associated with a payment. Not sent along with payment (see paymentReference ) | Optional | string(50) |
paymentMethod | One of the supported payment methods: Wire , ACH , SDA , Draft | Required | string(80) |
id | Partner-defined payment ID used to uniquely identify a payment. Should be unique across customer ID | Required | string(38) |
status | Convera-generated payment status returned when retrieving payment information or webhooks | System | string(100) |
createdOn | Convera-generated timestamp when a payment is accepted in UTC time zone | System | timestamp |
lastUpdatedOn | Convera-generated timestamp when a payment is changed in UTC time zone | System | timestamp |
errorCode | Convera-defined error code. See Error Codes for detailed list | System | string |
amount | Payment amount expressed in cents dependent on minor currency unit. A value of "100" would equal $1.00 USD. See ISO 4217 standard for details on each currency's minor unit value. Note: the following currencies are currently 2 decimals: BHD, KWD, JOD, OMR, TND, TWD | Required | integer |
currencyCode | Payment's currency code in 3-character ISO 4217 standard e.g. USD | Required | string(3) |
settlementAmount | Payment amount expressed in cents dependent on minor currency unit. A value of "100" would equal $1.00 USD. See ISO 4217 standard for details on each currency's minor unit value. | System | integer |
settlementCurrencyCode | Currency code of a settlement used to fund this payment in 3-character ISO 4217 standard | Optional | string(3) |
isFixedAmountInSettlementCurrency | Indicates if payment was submitted with settlement amount specified instead of trade currency. Converts amount field to be in settlement currency value | Optional | string , boolean |
purposeOfPayment | Purpose of payment submitted by the customer. Some currencies require a standardized list of codes in addition to a description. Sample descriptions: Avertising Fees , Expense Reimbursement , Financial , Legal , Medical Reimbursement , Other , Payroll , Processing , Trade Related , Transaction between banks , Transportation Costs , Travel Related , VAT , VAT Exempt , VO Code (VOxxxxx) | Conditional | string(20) |
purposeOfPaymentCode | Purpose of payment code submitted by the customer. Several currencies require a purpose of payment code. Refer to the Convera Payment Formatting Guide for a list of currencies that require POP Codes | Conditional | string(15) |
instructionForBank | Instructions for bank usually provided by a beneficiary | Optional | string(200) |
instructionCodeForBank | Instructions for bank usually provided by a beneficiary. Potential values: CHQB , HOLD , PHOB , TELB , URGP , OTHR . If other values included or blank, OTHR will be used | Optional | string(200) |
paymentReference | For IAT and CCD payments, a message to the beneficiary about the payment. The recommended length of this field is 140 characters. If reference is too long, it may arrive incomplete | Optional | string(140) |
uetr | For incoming Swift payments, the Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference will be displayed. | Optional | string(36) |
remittanceType | Remittance type value: IAT , CCD , or CTX . Applicable for payments to business type beneficiaries. Determines which reference fields are passed with payment. Note: IAT requires full beneficiary address. | Optional | string(50) |
remittanceData.ref | For CTX payments only. Remittance data to hold remittance details - supporting up to 9999 ref fields | Optional | string(140) |
chargeType | Selectable charge type with options: 1. BEN - Beneficiary responsible for charges2. SHA - Charges shared with customer and beneficiary3. OUR - Convera responsible for charges | Optional | string(6) |
valueDate | Scheduled date for credit to beneficiary bank account | Optional | string(20) , YYYY-MM-DD |
releaseDate | Scheduled date for payment release if valueDate is specified. Populated after successful sanction scan. | System | string(20) , YYYY-MM-DD |
isDoddFrank | Flag to force treatment of payment as Dodd-Frank. See Dodd-Frank Payments for more information | Optional | string , boolean |
checkNumber | Check number for Draft payments | System | string |
checkDate | Date draft was issued | System | string , YYYY-MM-DD |
Beneficiary Entity
Field Name | Description | Type | Format |
id | Partner-defined ID to uniquely identify a beneficiary in the Partner system | Required | string(38) |
versionedOn | Partner provided timestamp field to indicate last update to beneficiary in UTC | Required | string(50) ,timestamp |
email | Beneficiary email address if provided | Optional | string(80) |
type | One of the supported beneficiary types: 1. individual 2. sole proprietor 3. business | Required | string(20) |
taxId | Required for payments in certain currencies | Conditional | string(35) |
firstName | Required for individual beneficiaryType . Sole proprietor beneficiaryType requires full name (firstName and lastName ) or businessName | Conditional | string(70) for combination of firstName , middleName , lastName |
middleName | Optional for individual type | Optional | string(70) for combination of firstName , middleName , lastName |
lastName | Required for individual beneficiaryType . Sole proprietor beneficiaryType requires full name (firstName and lastName ) or businessName | Conditional | string(70) for combination of firstName , middleName , lastName |
phoneNumber | Main phone number for a beneficiary (home or business) | Optional | string(20) |
cellNumber | Mobile number for a beneficiary | Optional | string(20) |
dateOfBirth | Beneficiary's date of birth | Optional | string(20) , YYYY-MM-DD |
gender | Beneficiary's gender for individual type | Optional | string(10) |
occupation | Occupation of the beneficiary | Optional | string(35) |
countryOfNationality | Nationality of the beneficiary, 2-character ISO country code | Optional | string(2) |
identificationDocumentType | Business identification document type e.g. passport | Optional | string(70) |
identificationDocumentNumber | Business identification document number | Optional | string(50) |
identificationDocumentCountry | Business identification document country of origin | Optional | string(70) |
employerName | Employer of beneficiary | Optional | string(140) |
alias | Alias of beneficiary or alternative name | Optional | string(140) |
authorizedUsers.user1 authorizedUsers.user2 authorizedUsers.user3 | Users authorized to make transactions on a business's behalf | Optional | string(450) |
businessName | Required for business beneficiaryType . Sole proprietor beneficiaryType requires full name (firstName and lastName ) or businessName | Conditional | string(70) |
businessRegistrationNumber | Country-specific registration number | Optional | string(80) |
businessRegistrationCountry | Country where beneficiary business is registered | Optional | string |
businessRegistrationStateProv | Country's province or state where beneficiary business is registered | Optional | string(80) |
industry | Beneficiary business industry type | Optional | string(80) |
address.line1 | Street address line 1. Required if "full address" is mandated to process currency. For drafts, combination of line1 and line2 cannot be more than 50 characters. | Conditional | string(35) |
address.line2 | Street address line 2 | Optional | string(35) |
address.line3 | Street address line 3 | Optional | string(35) | | City name. Mandatory if "full address" is required to process currency | Conditional | string(35) |
address.stateOrProv | State or province. Mandatory to meet "full address" requirements for certain countries such as US, GB, and CA | Conditional | string(35) |
address.zipOrPostal | Zip or postal code. Mandatory to meet "full address" requirements for certain countries such as US, GB, and CA | Conditional | string(16) |
address.countryCode | Country code of the beneficiary location in 2-character ISO 3166 format e.g. GB | Required | string(2) |
Bank Account Entity
Field Name | Description | Type | Format |
id | Partner-defined ID to uniquely identify a beneficiary bank in the Partner system | Required | string(38) |
versionedOn | Partner provided timestamp field to indicate last update to beneficiary bank in UTC | Required | string(50) ,timestamp |
accountNumber | IBAN or account number | Required | string(34) |
accountType | One of the supported types: checking or savings | Conditional | string(20) |
bankName | Name of beneficiary's bank | Required | string(80) |
bankBranchName | Beneficiary bank branch name. Required to process certain currencies | Conditional | string(80) |
bankCode | Bank's SWIFT code or BIC. Typically required to process wire payments, but varies with currency | Conditional | string , valid SWIFT codes only <8 or 11 characters alphanumeric> |
bankBranchCode | Bank routing or transit code. Typically required to process ACH payments, but varies with currency | Conditional | string(50) |
address.line1 | Street address line 1. Required if "full bank address" is mandated to process currency. | Conditional | string(35) |
address.line2 | Street address line 2 | Optional | string(35) |
address.line3 | Street address line 3 | Optional | string(35) | | City name. Required if "full bank address" is mandated to process currency. | Conditional | string(35) |
address.stateOrProv | State or province. Mandatory to meet "full address" requirements for certain countries such as US, GB, and CA | Conditional | string(35) |
address.zipOrPostal | Zip or postal code. Mandatory to meet "full address" requirements for certain countries such as US, GB, and CA | Conditional | string(16) |
address.countryCode | Country code of the beneficiary bank in 2-character ISO 3166 format e.g. GB | Required | string(2) |
intermediaryBank object | Intermediary bank object, optional for all payments. See Payment Resource for object structure | Optional | string |
Third-Party Remitter Entity
The Convera API Suite supports payments for third-party remitters if Partner is licensed to process them. Access to these fields is configured at the Partner level and can be turned on if applicable.
Field Name | Description | Type | Format |
id | Partner-defined ID to uniquely identify a third-party remitter in the Partner system | Required | string(35) |
versionedOn | Partner provided timestamp field to indicate last update to third-party remitter in UTC | Required | string(50) ,timestamp |
type | One of the third-party remitter supported types: 1. Partnership 2. Corporation 3. Individual 4. Sole Proprietor | Required | string(50) |
businessName | Name of remitting business or individual | Conditional | string(50) |
address.line1 | Street address line 1 | Required | string(35) |
address.line2 | Street address line 2 | Optional | string(35) | | City name | Required | string(35) |
address.stateOrProv | State or province | Conditional | string(35) |
address.zipOrPostal | Zip or postal code | Conditional | string(16) |
address.countryCode | Country code of the remitter in 2-character ISO 3166 format e.g. GB | Required | string(2) |
email | Third-party remitter email address | Optional | string(80) |
phoneNumber | Third-party remitter phone number | Optional | string(20) |
countryOfNationality | Nationality of the beneficiary, 2-character ISO country code | Optional | string(2) |
identificationType | Identification type, such as a business registration | Optional | string(50) |
identification | Identification number, such as a business registration number | Optional | string(50) |
industry | Industry of third-party remitter | Optional | string(50) |
bankAccount.accountNumber | Account number of third-party remitter. Required to process certain payments, such as payments into or out of Canada | Conditional | string(50) |
bankAccount.accountCurrency | Currency of the bank account for the remitter | Optional | string(3) |
bankAccount.bankCode | Bank SWIFT code or BIC. Required to process certain payments, such as payments into or out of Canada | Conditional | string , valid SWIFT codes only <8 or 11 characters alphanumeric> |
bankAccount.bankRoutingCode | Bank routing or transit code. Required to process certain payments, such as payments into or out of Canada | Conditional | string(50) |
Originating FI Entity
For Partners that are licensed to offer the API solution to their FI customers, we offer the ability to facilitate these payments through API. Contact the Convera onboarding team for more information.
Field Name | Description | Type | Format |
id | Partner-defined ID used to uniquely identify an Originating FI within the partner system | Required | string(38) |
versionedOn | Partner provided timestamp field to indicate last update to originating FI in UTC | Required | string(50) ,timestamp |
accountNumber | IBAN or account number | Required | string(34) |
accountType | One of the supported types: checking or savings | Optional | string(20) |
bankName | Name of originating FI | Required | string(80) |
accountCurrency | Currency of account | Conditional | string(3) |
bankCode | SWIFT code or BIC for originating FI. Either SWIFT or routing code is required. | Conditional | string , valid SWIFT codes only <8 or 11 characters alphanumeric> |
bankRoutingCode | Routing or transit code for originating FI. Either SWIFT or routing code is required. | Conditional | string(50) |
address.line1 | Street address line 1 | Required | string(35) |
address.line2 | Street address line 2 | Optional | string(35) |
address.line3 | Street address line 3 | Optional | string(35) | | City name | Required | string(35) |
address.stateOrProv | State or province | Required | string(35) |
address.zipOrPostal | Zip or postal code | Required | string(35) |
address.countryCode | Country code of the originating FI in 2-character ISO 3166 format e.g. GB | Required | string(2) |
Updated 4 months ago